All about Self-esteem by Teru Nakashima, Japan
Teru Nakashima: A Pioneer in Self-Esteem Psychology
# Teru Nakashima: Leading Voice in Self-Esteem Psychology
Teru Nakashima is a prominent Japanese psychological counselor, author, and public speaker who developed "Natural Psychology," an approach to enhancing self-acceptance and transforming lives. After overcoming severe personal struggles, including a decade as a hikikomori (social recluse) and multiple suicide attempts, he independently studied psychology and therapy, developing methods that led to his own recovery and eventually helping others.
## Core Theory and Methodology
Nakashima's theory of self-acceptance centers on six fundamental elements:
- Sense of Existence: Feeling one's life has value
- Sense of Competence: Believing in one's abilities
- Sense of Belonging: Feeling accepted in society
- Sense of Security: Having a safe space
- Self-Trust: Being reliable and dependable
- Self-Esteem: Recognizing one's inherent worth
His methodology follows three key steps:
1. Self-Recognition: Acknowledging all aspects of oneself
2. Self-Acceptance: Embracing one's complete self
3. Self-Affirmation: Recognizing one's inherent value
## Impact and Work
Nakashima has authored several bestselling books, including "Three Steps to Enhance Self-Acceptance" and "How to Love Yourself." He conducts training sessions nationwide for corporations, educational institutions, and hospitals. His YouTube channel and daily newsletter provide practical guidance on self-acceptance and personal growth.
His unique contribution includes the concept of "mental brakes" - unconscious blocks formed from past trauma and negative thought patterns. He teaches that true self-acceptance isn't about forced positivity but embracing one's authentic self completely. Nakashima also introduces "fudoshin" (immovable mind) as the ultimate state of self-acceptance - maintaining inner stability regardless of external circumstances.
His work particularly resonates in Japanese society, where issues of self-worth and social pressure are prevalent. Through seminars, books, digital content, and counseling sessions, Nakashima continues to provide hope and practical guidance to those struggling with self-acceptance, while his principles are increasingly applied in organizational development to improve workplace relationships and employee well-being.
All about Self-esteem by Teru Nakashima, Japan
Magic Words: From Weeds to Blooms
Words possess an incredible power; they can uplift, inspire, and transform our lives! In this episode, Teru Nakashima reveals the magic behind self-talk and how it can shape our self-affirmation. Through personal stories and practical tips, we delve into the garden of our minds and how the words we choose are the seeds that will either nurture or harm our growth.
Join us as we explore the metaphor of the heart as a garden, where words can be planted to either flourish as confidence or wither as self-doubt. Teru discusses how six essential feelings—self-worth, self-acceptance, self-efficacy, self-reliance, self-determination, and self-usefulness—form the roots, trunk, branches, and fruits of this metaphorical tree. He reveals how self-talk helps us foster a nurturing environment within ourselves, enabling us to reap the fruits of our labor: a strong sense of self and the ability to face life’s challenges with grace.
Listeners will walk away equipped with practical strategies to reframe negative self-talk into empowering affirmations that cultivate a resilient mindset. From morning word rituals to expressing gratitude in daily interactions, these techniques will help you nourish your mental garden. By the end, you’ll be inspired to consciously choose the words that will help your self-affirmation tree grow strong and beautiful.
As we reflect on our own narratives, we’re reminded of the choice we have in shaping our stories. How will you choose your words to compose your future? Subscribe to our podcast, share your thoughts, and take your first step toward a thriving inner landscape today!
Teru Nakashima, All about Self-esteem
Words weaving your future story. Good morning, this is Teru Nakashima from the Self-Affirmation Academy. Our hearts are filled with countless words every day. These words are like seeds living inside us. The words you casually speak, the words you whisper in your mind. They eventually sprout, take root and become deeply embedded in the soil of your life. Things didn't go well today either. It's impossible for someone like me. I've failed again. Have you been directing words like these toward yourself? Our hearts are like faithful gardeners. Our hearts are like faithful gardeners nurturing the words we speak. Sow negative words and weeds of anxiety and fear will flourish. Sow positive words and beautiful flowers of confidence and hope will bloom brilliantly. Drakur words that nurture the tree of your heart.
Speaker 1:The six feelings I've researched for many years can be compared to a tree. First, self-worth is the roots Feeling that your very existence has value. The deep self-affirmation that I deserve to be here forms the foundation of everything. Forms the foundation of everything. Next, self-acceptance is the trunk Accepting everything about yourself, including your weaknesses. The gentleness of it's okay not to be perfect supports you. Self-efficacy is the branches the belief that I can do. It extends in various directions. Self-reliance is the leaves the feeling that I can do. It extends in various directions. Self-reliance is the leaves. The feeling that I can trust myself gives you oxygen. Self-determination is the flowers. The freedom of I can choose for myself blossoms beautifully, and self-usefulness is the fruit. The joy of I can be helpful to someone becomes the ultimate harvest. What nurtures this tree are the words you express each day. Negative words deprive this tree of nourishment, while positive words provide it with rich nutrients.
Speaker 1:Duris, the magic of words. Duris, the magic of words reframing. So how can we transform negative words into positive ones? The key is reframing, the magic of changing the framework of words. For example, the word I failed. Simply reframing this as I gained a learning experience dramatically changes your emotions. I'm a worthless person. I'm in the process of growing. Right now, I'm tired. This is a sign that my mind and body need rest. No one understands me. Let me find new ways to express my feelings. When you change your words like this, chemical changes actually occur in your brain. Stress hormones decrease and substances that bring happiness increase.
Speaker 1:Burkwas Yisri practice Cultivating your garden of words. Here are some practical ways to begin sowing word seeds, starting today 1. Morning Word Ritual when you wake up, try saying out loud Today will be a wonderful day. It might feel awkward at first, but as you continue, your brain begins to recognize these words as reality. 2. Increase words of gratitude. Develop the habit of adding thank you in any situation. I'm grateful for this challenging situation. There must be something to learn from it. Words like these provide rich nourishment to your heart's tree.
Speaker 1:3. Change I can't to I can. I can't speak English. I'm learning English little by little. I don't have time. I'm creating time by prioritizing. Instead of lamenting what you can't do, focus on what you can do.
Speaker 1:4. Rewrite past words. When you remember past failures or regrets, try re-describing them with new words. That choice was a mistake. That experience made me who I am today. While you can't change the past, you can change how you talk about it. Words creating a new story. Each of us is the author of our own story. The words you use determine how that story unfolds. Negative words write a tragedy, with you as the protagonist. Positive words weave an adventure tale of overcoming difficulties and growing. From this moment on, what kind of words will you use to compose your story so that your tree of self-affirmation grows strong and beautiful? Let's consciously choose and carefully sow the seeds of words from today. I sincerely hope that the infinite possibilities sleeping within you will awaken and bloom through positive words. And please remember, no matter how dark the night, the words, a new morning will come. Tomorrow will continue to support you. Thank you always With gratitude, teru Nakashima.